Libya, Tunisia announce border reopening plan

The Ras Jdir border crossing between Libya and Tunisia will partially reopen on Thursday, June 14th, after being closed for over three months due to security concerns.

A full reopening is expected by June 20th.

The announcement came in a joint video statement by Libyan Interior Minister Emad Trabulsi and his Tunisian counterpart, Khaled Nouri.

Trabulsi emphasized that the reopening prioritizes “the interests of both countries without harming any party.”

The Ras Jdir crossing is a vital artery for trade and movement between the two nations.

Libyans frequently travel to Tunisia for medical care, while trucks loaded with goods traverse the route in the opposite direction.

Libya’s ongoing political strife, stemming from the 2011 uprising, has resulted in a divided nation with rival administrations in the east and west.

The internationally recognized Government of National Unity (GNU) controls Tripoli and western regions, while the eastern parliament operates independently.

Trabulsi clarified that Thursday’s reopening will be limited to “humanitarian cases, special cases with permits, and medical emergencies.”

He also confirmed a meeting with Nouri planned for June 20th at the border, aimed at facilitating a full reopening for all travelers.

Tunisia’s Nouri expressed support for measures “to facilitate movement and avoid disruptions for travelers on both sides.”

The partial reopening marks a positive step towards restoring normalcy to cross-border movement between the two North African neighbors.

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