Attack on humanitarian convoy in DR Congo leaves two dead

A humanitarian convoy was attacked in the war-torn eastern DR Congo, plagued by clashes between M23 rebels and government forces, sources told AFP on Monday.

Two staff members are still missing after the attack in North Kivu province, UK organization Tearfund said.

Other sources confirmed to AFP that the attack resulted in two deaths.

“Tearfund strongly condemns the attack on humanitarian aid staff who are working tirelessly to serve the people of the DRC,” the charity stated.

The convoy was exiting a combat zone, heading north when ambushed near Butembo in Lubero territory.

Local sources said the attackers, suspecting rebel infiltration, burnt and destroyed the charity’s vehicles.

Five vehicles carrying around fifteen Congolese nationals were set on fire, according to a humanitarian source.

“We urge all parties to respect and protect aid workers,” Tearfund appealed.

The M23 rebels, reportedly backed by Rwanda, tightened their grip in North Kivu last week, capturing more towns, including the strategic town of Kanyabayonga, a gateway to Butembo and Beni.

Other nearby towns were also seized by M23, officials and security sources reported.

Clashes between M23 and Congolese forces continued Monday north of Kirumba, which rebels seized Sunday, a civil society member said.

At least four civilians were killed further south in Masisi territory amid ongoing fighting, a local administrative source confirmed.

Kinshasa accuses Rwanda of backing M23, which Kigali denies.

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