Libya seeks collaboration with US to mitigate flood impacts

Libya on Wednesday underlined the importance of cooperation with the United States to reduce the impact of the deadly floods that killed thousands in the North African country. 

Head of the Tripoli-based government Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh met in the Libyan capital with Commander of the US Army Africa Command (AFRICOM) Gen. Michael Langley and US envoy to Libya Richard Norland. 

The meeting took up the situation in the eastern city of Derna following the Sept. 10 floods caused by Mediterranean storm Daniel. 

“It’s important to coordinate and cooperate with the US government and its organizations in Libya to remove the damage caused [by the floods] in the affected areas, and to contribute to the return of development and stability to the region,” Dbeibeh said during the meeting as cited by a government statement. 

The two sides also reviewed a host of other files, including border security, counter-terrorism and Libya’s latest political developments, the statement said. 

According to UN figures, nearly 4,000 people have died across Libya due to the devastating flooding, while more than 40,000 people have been displaced. 

Derna was hardest hit by the floods, causing the city’s dams to burst, washing away homes and people.    ​​​​
*Writing by Ahmed Asmar

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