South Africa recalls diplomats from Israel

Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshaveni said that South Africa is recalling its diplomats from Tel Aviv for talks.

Ntshavheni mentioned that Pretoria is disappointed with Israel’s continued bombing of schools and clinics in Gaza and the closure of humanitarian passages.

“Cabinet has also noted the continuing disparaging remarks of the Israeli ambassador to South Africa about those who are opposing the atrocities and the genocide of the Israeli government,” Ntshaveni said.

She added, “The position of the ambassador of Israel in South Africa is becoming very untenable cabinet has decided to instruct Dirco to take necessary measures within the diplomatic channels and protocols to deal with the conduct of the ambassador of Israel to South Africa.”

At least 9,770 Palestinians, including 4,800 children and 2,550 women, have been killed in the Israeli bombardments in the Gaza Strip. Israeli death toll is nearly 1,600, according to the official figures.

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