Spain has signed agreements with Mauritania and The Gambia to enhance cooperation against people smuggling and support legal migration. Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez is in West Africa due to rising migrant numbers.
On Tuesday, Spain and Mauritania agreed on “circular migration” and followed up with The Gambia on Wednesday. These deals will allow regulated entry into Spain focusing on young people and women based on labor needs.
Spain also signed a “declaration of intent” with Mauritania to bolster efforts against organized crime and human trafficking. Sanchez emphasized combating trafficking and improving collaboration during his meeting with Mauritanian President El Ghazouani.
Spain’s coastguard frequently rescues migrants heading to the Canary Islands, with thousands of deaths each year due to the dangerous Atlantic route. Many boats depart from Mauritania, The Gambia, and Senegal.
Spain and its partners are committed to “safe, orderly, and regular migration,” with Sanchez stressing the need to fight illegal smugglers and manage migration humanely. Spain is also investing in security training in Mauritania and enhancing cultural ties.