UN rights chief calls on Libyan factions to resolve ‘political deadlocks...

The UN rights chief on Wednesday called on all Libyan political actors to overcome “political deadlocks” to ensure aid access, as devastating floods have killed thousands of people. 

“I call on all Libyan political actors to overcome political deadlocks and divisions and to act collectively in ensuring access to relief,” Volker Turk said in a statement. “This is a time for unity of purpose: all those affected must receive support, without regard for any affiliations.”

Since the death of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, Libya is governed by two rival administrations, one in Tripoli and the other in Tobruk.

It is crucial to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups who are even more at risk in the aftermath of such a disaster, Turk stressed, adding that human rights must be at the core of the response.

“We need to invest in prevention and resilience,” he said.

Saying that he is “profoundly distressed” about the situation in the North African nation, he called Storm Daniel as another “lethal reminder” of the catastrophic impact that a changing climate can have on the world.

“I stand in solidarity with the people of Libya, with my deepest condolences to those who are mourning irreplaceable losses,” he added.

At least 6,000 people have been killed and thousands of others remain missing due to the weekend floods in eastern Libya, according to officials.

Torrential rains swept several regions, most notably the cities of Derna, Benghazi, Al-Bayda, Al-Marj, and Soussa.

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