Taliban’s latest decree: No windows, no peeping, no women

The Taliban have taken their architectural critiques to new heights with their latest decree: no windows overlooking women’s areas. That’s right—if your home has a view into the neighbor’s courtyard, kitchen, or well, it’s time to channel your inner DIY enthusiast and start bricking up those panes.

In a statement that could easily be mistaken for a sitcom plot, the Taliban’s supreme leader announced that peeping through windows at women cooking or fetching water might lead to “obscene acts.” Apparently, the mere sight of someone rinsing veggies is now a national crisis.

To enforce this, municipal authorities will be channeling their inner building inspectors, ensuring that construction sites stay free of “problematic” windows. Got an existing one? No problem! Just slap up a wall or duct-tape a poster of a scenic mountain view over it—anything to avoid traumatizing the neighbors with a rogue glimpse of domestic life.

This is just the latest addition to the Taliban’s ever-growing list of “What Women Can’t Do.” From banning post-primary education to outlawing poetry recitals, their policy-making sessions must resemble a bizarre brainstorming game where the goal is to outdo the absurdity each week.

At this rate, it wouldn’t be surprising if next week’s decree bans the sun for daring to shine on women’s spaces. Stay tuned—just don’t look through the window while you do.

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