Deadly militant attack leaves over 20 civilians dead in Mali

More than 20 civilians were killed in a militant attack on a village in central Mali on Monday, according to local officials.

The attack, which targeted the village of Djiguibombo, is the latest incident in a long history of violence plaguing the Sahel region.

The center of Mali has become a hotbed of violence since 2015, with militants and armed groups carrying out frequent attacks. 

Local officials attributed the assault in Djiguibombo to militants, though the specific group responsible remains unidentified. 

Reports suggest the attack began before nightfall and lasted for several hours.

While officials reported a death toll of at least 21, some sources put it closer to 20. 

The discrepancy highlights the difficulty in accessing information in Mali, particularly after the military takeover in 2020. 

An unknown number of villagers are also missing.

Witnesses described a horrific scene, with victims shot dead or having their throats cut. 

The attackers reportedly looted houses, set fire to the village’s health center and vehicles, and stole livestock and supplies.

The attack has further traumatized the local Dogon community, who have borne the brunt of violence in recent years.

Ginna Dogon, a group representing the community, condemned the attack as part of a “dark series” of attacks on villages, farmers, and civilians.

The assault has forced many villagers to flee towards Bandiagara, while those who remain struggle to bury the dead and rebuild their lives.

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