Ethiopian PM attacks Human Rights Commission, calls for probe

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sparked controversy on Thursday by suggesting the country’s human rights institutions were compromised by foreign influence. During a parliamentary session, Abiy called for an investigation into their role, without explicitly naming any organization.

Though unnamed, the target seemed to be the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC), an independent body funded partially by the government. Prime Minister Abiy stated, “We pay their salaries but it looks like the institutions are pursuing the agendas of foreigners.” He further claimed these institutions, “free from the influence of the government,” were nevertheless “hijacked by foreigners.”

These remarks came a day before the EHRC’s scheduled press conference to unveil their annual human rights report. The event also coincides with the end of EHRC chairperson Daniel Bekele’s five-year term. Bekele, a renowned human rights activist and former political prisoner, has led the commission in criticizing government forces for alleged abuses during the Tigray conflict and the recent unrest in the Amhara region.

The EHRC, accountable to the lower house of parliament, emphasizes its mission to “promote and protect human rights.” Notably, their 2023 report reveals 45% of their funding comes from the Ethiopian government, with the remaining balance from external sources.

Abiy’s comments raise concerns about potential attempts to limit independent human rights monitoring in Ethiopia. The EHRC press conference and the future leadership of the commission will be closely watched in light of these developments.

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