Russia on alert after gunmen attack concert leaving many dead

Gunmen stormed a concert hall in Moscow on Friday, opening fire and killing at least 40 people with over 100 injured.

This attack comes just days after President Putin’s re-election.

The motive for the assault remains unclear. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called it a “huge tragedy” while authorities investigate it as terrorism.

This is the deadliest attack in Russia in recent years, unfolding amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Russia’s Federal Security Service reported 40 fatalities and over 100 wounded at Crocus City Hall, a large music venue.

Videos depict the burning concert hall and emergency vehicles at the scene.

The attackers, reportedly dressed in combat fatigues, fired on concertgoers during a performance by Picnic, a famous Russian rock band.

Unconfirmed reports suggest some concertgoers might be trapped inside the burning venue.

Authorities are evacuating the area and tightening security at airports and railway stations.

The Moscow mayor has cancelled all mass gatherings planned for the weekend.

World leaders reacted with horror.

White House National Security Advisor John Kirby expressed condolences and condemned the attack.

This incident follows warnings issued by the US and other Western embassies about a potential attack in Moscow.

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