Sudan’s govt threatens to boycott UNSC session if UNITAMS head attends

The Sudanese government has announced its intention to boycott the upcoming session of the United Nations Security Council and reconsider the mandate granted to the United Nations-African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) if the head of the mission, Volker Perthes, addresses the session.

Sudan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Al-Harith Idriss, sent a letter to the Security Council on September 8th, conveying Khartoum’s reservations regarding Volker Perthes’ expected briefing.

According to the letter, Sudan’s delegate mentioned that they had received confirmations that Volker Perthes would provide a briefing on the Secretary-General’s report on the situation in Sudan and the activities of the mission during the last three months to the members of the Security Council on the 13th of this month.

The letter also highlighted that the Sudanese government had previously declared Volker Perthes a persona non grata on June 8th, based on the legal and sovereign rights guaranteed to the country under international law. It emphasized that special political missions established under Chapter VI must adhere to sovereign mandates.

The Sudanese delegate emphasized in the letter that the host country’s approval is a fundamental right in international law and a state sovereignty matter. UNAMID’s inability to achieve its primary strategic objectives in the event of conflict would undoubtedly increase risks.

The letter further stated that if the situation persists, the relationship between the United Nations and Sudan would become hostile. Sudan does not wish to hinder the positive engagement of the United Nations with Sudan or place it on a collision course.

Idriss stated that if Volker Perthes participates in the meeting on September 13th, Sudan will abstain from the meeting and will not participate.

He emphasized that Sudan considers Volker’s participation in the meeting as a deliberate provocation and an insult to its sovereignty, and as a result, Sudan will reconsider its position regarding UNAMID.

The letter expressed regret that Khartoum sees this step as the only remaining last resort to address what it termed as the unprecedented and unfair situation prevailing at present.

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